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Sağlık Bilgileri & Makaleler

Uzmanlardan Diş Tedavileri, Estetik & Güzellik, Göz Tedavileri, Saç Tedavileri ve diğer birçok sağlık alanlarında faydalı bilgiler.

Dental Floss

Using Dental Floss In order to effectively remove plaque from your teeth, you need to be sure you are using the correct technique. By flossing daily, you help remove plaque from the areas between your teeth where the toothbrush can't reach. This is important because plaque that is not removed by brushing and flossing can eventually harden into calculus or tartar. Flossing also helps prevent gum disease and cavities. Just follow these steps: Use enough flossSlide between teethForm a “C”. Make a C shape with the floss as you wrap it around the tooth. Then     carefully pull the floss upward from the gum line to the top of the tooth.Roll alongReach both sides. Please visit your dentist, in any situation, you hesitate.
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Tooth Sensivity

When you have sensitive teeth, certain activities, such as brushing, flossing, eating and drinking, can cause sharp, temporary pain in your teeth. Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other factors, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a recently placed filling or a side effect of other dental procedures, such as bleaching. The most important two factors are; To brush the teeth wildly with a hard tooth brush that may cause gingival problems. On the other hand, fizzy drinks cause a kind of erosion on tooth enamel. The less fizzy things you drink, the more healthy teeth you have.
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 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY PEDODONTICS   It is interested in milk (baby teeth) and permanent teeth health, decays, trauma, genetics and defeating their problems, aged between 0 – 13. Importance of milk teeth (baby teeth) They are totally 20 teeth. Milk teeth are very important while the baby is feeding. They are important to speak normally, too. Milk teeth keep the places of the coming teeth. That is why they mustn’t be extracted before the time comes.  The first aim of the periodontology  is to keep the children away from decays and teach the importance of oral and dental health. This is very important for our clinic. We teach the patients how to brush the teeth and protective dental care. Fluorite Application: Fluorite is a kind of element which prevents the decays and reinforces the teeth. New exploded teeth are weak at first. Fluorite gets the enable stronger and protects the teeth against...
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A cyst is a sac of tissue that has either fluid or soft material inside it. Some cysts can form next to or around teeth, which are called dental cysts. Cysts are a reaction of the body to a condition and are usually relatively slow growing. Dental cysts can form at the tip of the roots of dead teeth. They can also form around the crowns (and roots) of buried teeth. Most cysts form because the teeth they are associated with have died (infection or trauma). Others form because of a mistake in the way the teeth have developed (including being unable to grow into the mouth properly). Your dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon will explain to you more about the cause of your cyst. Cyst will continue to get bigger and bigger if it is not touched. This will cause more extractions. If it is recognised, it must be taken out.  Apical Resection:  Infection or...
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Bad breath (also known as halitosis or malodor) can be embarrassing and tough on those around you. Some people don't realize their breath could peel paint because people are afraid to tell them. Even bad breath can ruin relationships, too. Bad Breath in Your Mouth Bad breath is often caused by a build up of bacteria in your mouth that causes inflammation and gives off noxious odours or gases that smell like sulfur -- or worse. Cavitiesor gum disease can lead to bad breath, as can tonsilsthat have trapped food particles; cracked fillings, and less-than-clean dentures. They include diabetes, liver disease, respiratory tract infections, and chronic bronchitis. You'll want to see your doctor to rule out things like acid reflux, postnasal drip, and other causes of chronic dry mouth. What helps: Good oral hygiene, regular visits to your dentist, and ruling out any underlying conditions or other factors (such as some medications, diets, and foods) that could make your breath less than...
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Mouth Cancer refers to cancer that develops in any of the parts that make up the mouth. Mouth cancer can occur on the: Lips, gums, tongue, inside lining of the cheeks, roof of the mouth, floor of the mouth Cancer that occurs on the inside of the mouth is sometimes called oral cancer or oral cavity cancer. Symptomsof mouth cancer may include: A sore that doesn't heal A lump or thickening of the skin or lining of your mouth A white or reddish patch on the inside of your mouth Loose teeth Poorly fitting dentures Tongue pain Jaw pain or stiffness Difficult or painful chewing Difficult or painful swallowing Sore throat Feeling that something is caught in your throat At first the lesions of mouth cancers are painless. The patient may neglect this. Make an appointment with yourdentistif you have any persistent signs and symptoms that bother you and lastmorethan two weeks. Your doctor...
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 TARTAR What is tartar? Even if you take great care of your teeth at home, you still have bacteria in your mouth. Saliva mix with proteins and food by products to form a sticky film called dental plaque. This gunk coats your teeth (even hard-to-clean areas like your back teeth), gets under your gum line, and sticks to fillings or other dental work. What happens if I don’t make the tartar cleaned? Every time you eat, the bacteria create acids that can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities. The acids can also lead to inflamed or infected gums. But, if you remove plaque regularly, you can prevent permanent tooth decay. Bigger problems arise if plaque stays on your teeth and hardens into tartar. It can form in a little over a day, and once it’s there, only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove it. Although no decays, my teeth...
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What is Face Lift Dentistry?

In time, everything in nature gets abraded and older. Just like our skin, our teeth get old. There is a layer, called the enamel, as the most outer surface of the structure of a tooth. The enamel makes your teeth appear lively and shinier. When we smile, it makes our smile gleam with its shiny appearance. Though, in time, that lively enamel gets abraded, turns matte, cracks and even breaks off. Your enamel gets old in time. With the abrasion, your teeth become vulnerable to abrasion as well, giving your lower face an older appearance. YOUR TEETH ARE SUPPORTIVE SYSTEMS FOR THE LOWER PART OF YOUR FACE. Your incisors support your lips. One mm of abrasion on your incisors cause 3 mms of loss of your lips. While talking, or grinning, your incisors support your lips. BRUSHING INCORRECTLY, CONSUMING ACIDIC FOODS OR NUTS ABRADE THE ENAMEL OFF FROM YOUR INCISORS. Your...
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The Importance of Gum Treatments before an Implant Therapy

Implant treatments are the most popular type of treatments used for missing teeth. With their rising popularity as the patient satisfaction rises, implant treatments require pre-treatment procedures before application. These procedures make implant therapies longer-lasting and more successful. There is always a reason behind tooth loss. Gum diseases are the most frequent reasons behind such losses. If the causes of gum diseases are not eliminated before an implant therapy, they cause problems near implants in time after their application (IMPLANTITIS). If there are microorganisms causing the gum disease, this means that the gum disease will be persistent. To deal with this issue (combatting microorganisms), we initially need to remove the microorganisms to prevent them from forming hosts for themselves again. ASSESSING ORAL FINDINGS BEFORE AN IMPLANT TREATMENT - ARE BLEEDING GUMS AN ISSUE? Is there bleeding on gums during brushing teeth? In the case of an active periodontal disease, the implant...
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Quick Fixes in Cosmetic Dentistry

Gum makeover is not an imperative need. Before some occasions, the need to be approved and the fear of rejection increases in some people. In this regard, while they were okay with the color of their teeth, or the spaces in-between until a particular day, they may need quick fixes to look better before their wedding, or an important ceremony. Everyone should be given an opportunity to change. At Dental Estetik Center, that is what we do, after demonstrating what may be done to give them the confident smile they deserve. At first, we assess their needs. We ask them quick test questions to figure out what makes them unhappy about their teeth; is it: - the shape of their teeth? - the position of their teeth? - how they appear when they smile? - their gums? In this context, the problem is determined through analyses. Our patient is determined whether...
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Ozone Applications in Dentistry

The first thing that comes to our mind about ozone is the layer that protects Earth from the harmful rays that may cause skin cancer. Though, today, many fields make use of ozone. As it is extremely reliable, it is widely used: -To sterilize water and mineral water in big cities, -In air cleaning systems, -In swimming pools, -To store and clean fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken and fish, -In the field of medicine, a use that is gaining popularity every day. Ozone was first used in the field of medicine due to its healing ability. In 1900s, in the US and across European countries, many researches were conducted on ozone. When the advantages of its destructive effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi, dentists adopted it, as well. THE USES OF OZONE IN DENTISTRY: -In treatments for tooth decay: There are many bacteria inside a person’s mouth. These bacteria cause tooth decay...
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Milk Teeth and Their Development

THE ERUPTION OF MILK TEETH On their first birthday, your baby’s first 6 teeth have erupted. The first central incisors become visible in the first 6 months. Their lateral incisors are visible by month 8. Four posterior molars erupt between months 10-14, canines in months 16-20 and finally, the posterior big molar teeth erupt between months 24-30. EARLY AND LATE ERUPTION OF TEETH The eruption of milk teeth begins in month 6, continuing until month 9. Though, for some children, these rules do not apply. Unlike other babies, these babies have their eruption 2 months earlier, or 2 months later. In addition, although rarely, some children are born with few teeth erupted. These teeth are sometimes actual milk teeth. However, they may also be calcified blossoms without roots. If they obstruct breast feeding, they have to be pulled out. ERUPTION AND DISEASES The symptoms of teeth eruption do not affect the...
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Laser and Dentistry: Soft Tissue Lasers

LASERS The dentistry sector always undergoes updates and developments. The aim of these is to increase the comfort of patients, as well as providing them with painless, fast-healing surgery options. Although using anesthetic solutions makes painless treatments possible, dental treatments that do not intervene the course of their daily lives are the ultimate expectation of patients. Hence, through the developments in technology to answer such needs, the LASER has been introduced into the field of dentistry. The laser was developed following the theoretic studies of Basov, Prokhorov and Townes in 1960s. Laser is an acronym of these words: Laser, Amplification by, Stimulated, Emission of, Radiation. In this article, we will be discussing DIODE LASERS. DIODE LASERS Laser devices function according to their wavelengths and pulse counts. The studies that were also conducted in our country on diode lasers with a wavelength of 980 nm showed that these lasers support wound healing....
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How May I Get Implants If I Lack Bones in the Upper Molar Region?

PROCEDURES TO HEIGHTEN THE SINUS BASE It is certain that many patients now choose implants for their high rate of success and comfort. Although many patients wish to have implants, some do not have proper bon structures for such procedures. Early tooth loss promotes thinning of the jawbone. Therefore, for the bone losses that occur especially on the upper jaw teeth, the sinus base sagging down is effective. The sinus base has to be increased in order to apply an implant treatment. Today, the advancements in dentistry make the implantation of patients with bone defects on the upper jaw posterior area possible for the dentists, through new methods of therapy. THERE ARE TWO METHODS SUGGESTED FOR THIS: A) HEIGHTENING THE UPPER SINUS BASE VIA THE TRANSCRESTAL METHOD: In the regions where the toothless space has adequate width and the height is minimum 5mms where the sinus base is straight, the base...
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How Eating Disorders Affect Your Teeth

Today, being thin has become an obsession. As losing weight and looking thin gains popularity day by day, various eating disorders are also on the rise. APA has classified these eating disorders into three groups. 1.Anorexia Nervosa 2.Bulimia Nervosa 3.Other Eating Disorders ANOREXIA NERVOSA This term is also used as the loss of appetite due to nervous reasons. The rate of anorexia nervosa in especially young girls of 10-24 years of age is about 0.3%. There are various types of anorexia. For example, the person either exercises too much while starving, gets stuck in a loop of binging and purging, or uses laxatives. Anorexia affects gums the most, especially in those that have stopped eating altogether, gums become more prone to inflammation and bleeding, due to loss of vitamins that cause the loss of the defense mechanism of gums. In anorexia nervosa patients who also have gum diseases, bone losses become...
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Dental Phobia

If your heart begins to race wildly and you get stomach cramps just by looking at the title, this post is for you. Dental phobia, the phobia that force-chokes you at the mere thought of visiting your dentist and drives you to live with the pain of a decayed, or a missing tooth is actually quite ungrounded. How? Well, in today’s dentistry we are able to apply dental procedures to eliminate phobias, rather than building onto them. Besides, today’s technology is quite advanced. Let’s discuss the reasons behind “dental phobia” and how it spreads in a society.   FEAR IS A NATURAL EMOTION: Fear has its place in the human nature, which means that it is perfectly natural. Fears help us continue our daily lives. If we did not feel fear, we would continuously take risks without thinking about the consequences they may bring. Fear is why we have safe zones....
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Bu yazıyı özellikle sigaraya yeni başlayan gençler için yazıyorum.Çünkü sigara daha henüz onlar için vazgeçilmez değil.Alışkanlıklar daha başlangıç aşamasında iken ortadan kaldırmak mümkün ancak yetişkinlerde bu alışkanlıklar kökleşip, zararları perçinleştiğinden  vazgeçilseler de ,uzun bir dönem zararlı etkileriyle de mücadele etmek gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle siz sevgili gençler daha bu kötü alışkanlığın başındayken ,yol yakınken, bu alışkanlığınızdan vazgeçmenizi temenni ediyorum. Sigaranın zararlı etkilerini de sıralamak gerekirse; 1- AĞIZ KOKUSU: Sigara içimi esnasında ve  içimi sonrasında ağızda oldukça kötü bir kokuya sebep olur.Dişler fırçalansa dahi bu koku çoğu zaman hissedilir. Özellikle sabahları açlık kokusu dediğimiz ,rutinde olan ağız kokusu sigara içenlerde daha yoğundur. 2- LEKELİ DİŞLER:Nikotin lekelenmeleri dişlerin ön ve arka yüzeylerinde görülür.İleriki dönemlerde sigara lekelenmeleri diş fırçalansa da dişin üzerinden uzaklaşmaz.Dişlerin  daha parlak ve beyaz gözükmesi için evde yapılan uygulamalar dişlerin çizilmesine neden olup , daha çok sararmaya sebep olur. 3- DİŞETİ PROBLEMLERİ: Sigara dişin yüzey yapısının daha çok diş taşı ve plak...
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Sıcak günlerin yaşandığı ramazan ayında beslenme kadar ağız ve diş sağlığının da oldukça önemi var. Çünkü beslenme ağız ve dişlerde başlar. Sağlıklı bir ağız olmadan sağlıklı bir beslenme olmaz.  Dişlerimiz diş fırçalamanın yanı sıra tükürük tarafından da korunur. Gün içerisinde dişler fırçalanmadığından ve sıvı tüketimi olmadığından diş plağı dediğimiz yapının oluşmasına neden olan tükürük mineralleri ve gıda artıkları diş yüzeyine kolayca çökerler. Bu nedenle sahurda dişlerin fırçalanması oldukça önemlidir.  Sahurda özellikle uyku ortasında yapılan beslenmenin ardından dişleri fırçalamak eziyetli gelse de oldukça önemlidir. Unutmamak gerekir ki sahurda yapacağınız diş temizliği dişlerinizde bütün gün koruma sağlayacaktır. Bu nedenle özellikle dilin pütürlü yüzeyindeki gıdaların fırçalanması gerekir.  Dil mümkün olduğu kadar öne doğru çıkarılarak diş fırçası ya da bu iş için üretilmiş dil fırçası ile iyice temizlenmelidir. Dişlerin tamamının temizliğinin yanı sıra diş aralarının temizliği de oldukça önemlidir. Diş aralarının temizliğinde diş ipleri, diş ara yüz duşları kullanılabilir. Elektronik aletlerin kullanımından hoşlananlar, elektrikli fırça...
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     Size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim? Bu gereksiz yere hastanın hekimi ile konuşmasını, hekim hasta başındaysa bölünmesini engeller . Bazen hasta sadece randevu almak için hekimle görüşmek ister.     Randevu hususu çok önemlidir. Özellikle ilk randevu. Hasta muaynehaneye ilk kez gelecekse .    Oto park varmı? Varsa yeri ? Bazen oto parkın ücretli veya ücretsiz olması .      Otobüsle gelecekse durağın yeri? Sizin bulunduğunuz yere yakın yerler? Hastaya belirtile bilir.       Randevu saatini hastanın 10-15 dakikka gecike bileceğini düşünerek ayarlaya bilirsiniz. Tabiki hekiminize danışarak;Çünkü hastanız yerinizi bulamayabilir. Ama  hastaya 17,30 da bekliyoruz diyip mutlaka kesin saat bildirin .     Önceki yapılan tedavilerle ilgili dökümanları varsa hastanın yanında getirmesi istenilebilir. Kulandığı ilaç varsa onun adınıda bilmekte fayda vardır.     En son telefon kapatılırken bilgileri tekrar gözden geçirmek çok önemlidir. Hastanın telefon numarasını almak randevu değişikliğini bildirmek açısandan gereklidir. Sizi bekliyoruz...bey, ...hanım . Demek büyük küçük her hastanın hoşuna gider...
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  Hayatın doğal bir süreci olan hamileliği keyifli geçirilmesi hepimizin dileği. Hamileliğin sonunda da sağlıklı bir bebeğe kavuşmak ise hepimizin temennisi. Hamilelik dönemi denilince en çok dikkat edilen şey beslenmedir. Bu beslenme çocuğun kemik yapısının ya da zekâsının iyi olası içindir. Diş ve diş sağlığı için beslenmenin hiç önemi yok mu dur?  Hamilelik döneminde süt ve daimi dişlerin tomurcukları çene içinde oluşur. Hamilelik esnasında mineralden zengin beslenmek diş yapısını güçlendirir. Her zaman ihtiyacımız olan kalsiyum, fosfor, potasyum, vitaminlere hamilelik döneminde daha çok ihtiyaç duyarız. Diş tomurcuklarının yapısını güçlendirmek için beslenmemize dikkat etmeliyiz, özellikle son üç aylık dönem önemlidir. Haftada 1 balık yemek, süt ve süt ürünlerini bol bol tüketmek gerekir.  Halk arasında çok yaygındır. Bulantılarım çok oldu bebeği besleyemedim. Bebekte kalsiyumunu benim dişlerimden aldı?  Ne kadar doğru. Bulantılar hamileliğin ilk 3 ayında görülür. Bu dönemde bebeğin hiçte annesinin kalsiyumuna ihtiyacı yoktur.  Ya da her hamilelik bir dişime mal oldu? sözü vardır....
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