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Bad breath (also known as halitosis or malodor) can be embarrassing and tough on those around you. Some people don't realize their breath could peel paint because people are afraid to tell them. Even bad breath can ruin relationships, too.

Bad Breath in Your Mouth

Bad breath is often caused by a build up of bacteria in your mouth that causes inflammation and gives off noxious odours or gases that smell like sulfur -- or worse.

Cavitiesor gum disease can lead to bad breath, as can tonsilsthat have trapped food particles; cracked fillings, and less-than-clean dentures.

They include diabetes, liver disease, respiratory tract infections, and chronic bronchitis. You'll want to see your doctor to rule out things like acid refluxpostnasal drip, and other causes of chronic dry mouth.

What helps:

Good oral hygiene, regular visits to your dentist, and ruling out any underlying conditions or other factors (such as some medicationsdiets, and foods) that could make your breath less than pleasant?

Eat a healthy, balanced diet and regular meals. Certain diets -- such as extreme fastingand very low-carb diets -- can give you bad-smelling breath.

What you eat affects what you exhale. That's because as food is digested, it's absorbed into your bloodstream and then is expelled by your lungswhen you breathe.

Treating the Bad Smell

  • Stay hydrated.If you can't brush your teeth after a meal, drinking a lot of water can help speed up the process of cleaning harmful bacteria and debris from between your teeth.

  • Don't drink too much coffee. It may be tasty, but coffee is a tough smell to get off the back of your tongue. 

  • Don't smoke or use other tobacco products.Cigarettes, pipes, and snuff can foul your breath.

  • Cut back on alcohol.Alcohol can lead to a dry mouth.

  • Chew sugarless gum.Doing so 20 minutes after a meal can help with salivaflow. Gum that's 100% xylitol-sweetened can help reduce cavities.

  • Be careful with breath mints.Sugar-free mints are OK for a quick fix but only mask the offensive smell and don't do anything to remove harmful bad bacteria.

Regular Oral and Dental Care:

Using the tooth brush is not enough only. You should use dental floss, tongue cleaner will help you remove the bacteria and their negative effects. Anti bacterial mouth washers will help you keep your mouth clean and fresh.

MOUTH SORES (Aphtha – Canker)

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