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Sağlık Bilgileri & Makaleler

Uzmanlardan Diş Tedavileri, Estetik & Güzellik, Göz Tedavileri, Saç Tedavileri ve diğer birçok sağlık alanlarında faydalı bilgiler.

Gömülü Diş Ne Demektir ?

Gömülü Diş Ne Demektir ? Sürme zamanı geldiği halde çeşitli nedenlerle ağızda yerini alamayan dişlere ” gömülü dişler” denir. Üçüncü büyük azı dişleri ( yirmi yaş dişleri veya akıl dişleri olarak da bilinir ), en sık rastlanan gömülü dişlerdendir. Üçüncü azı dişlerinin sürebilmesi için ağızda yer bulunmuyorsa ve kişi 25 yaşına geldiği halde halen sürmemişse, ” gömülü ” olarak değerlendirilirler. Bazen de bu dişler kısmen sürer, ancak hiçbir zaman tam yüksekliğe ulaşamazlar. Üçüncü azılarınız henüz sürmemişse, diş hekiminizi ziyaret ederek durum hakkında bilgi edinebilir ve gömülü kalan dişlerin neden olabildiği ağrı, şişme, enfeksiyon, çürük ve diş eti hastalıkları gibi bazı problemler ortaya çıkmadan etken dişin çekilmesini sağlayabilirsiniz.   30 yaşındayken de yirmi yaş dişi çıkar mı? 20 yaş dişlerinin tomurcuğu 15–16 yaşında oluşmaya başlar. İlerleyen yaşlarda ağız içinde sürmemiş, sürmüş yada yarı sürmüş olarak bulunabilirler. Dolayısıyla 30 yaşındaki bir hastada eğer 20 yaş dişi tomurcuğu oluşmuş ise, tamamen sürmüş, yarı sürmüş...
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14725 Tıklanma
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Diş Kırıkları

Dişlerde kırılma meydana gelmesinin temel nedeni travma olsa da, bunun yanında dişlerde meydana gelen derin çürükler, ani ısı değişimleri kaynaklı dişin en dış katmanı olan "mine"de oluşan çatlamalar kırıklara sebebiyet verebilmektedir.     Diş kırıldığı zaman kırılan parçanın büyüklüğüne göre yapılan tedavi değişiklik gösterir. Eğer minik bir kırık varsa o zaman kanal tedavisine ihtiyaç duyulmadan sadece restoratif tedavi denilen kırılan dişin tamamlanması yoluna gidilir. Kompozit dolgular kullanılarak tedavi gerçekleştirilebilir. Kompozit dolgular aynen dişin rengini yansıtmaktadır. Hiç bir şekilde kırık olduğu belli olmamaktadır.   Eğer ki kırılan parçanın büyüklüğü fazla ise zirkonyum , porselen kuronlar ile diş kaplanabilir ya da  kırık hattı dişin kök kısmına kadar ilerliyorsa diş çekilip yerine implant yapılarak da  bu eksiklik tamamlanabilir.
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Hassas diş probleminiz olabilir. Hassas dişlerden kaynaklanan ağrı gidip gelir. Sürekli ağrı çekiyorsanız, bu daha ciddi bir problemin işareti olabilir. Rahatsızlığınızın nedenini belirlemek ve uygun tedavi için yaşadığınız belirtileri diş hekiminizle paylaşın. Diş hassasiyeti dişleriniz açısından ne anlama geliyor? Diş hassasiyeti şiddetli ağrı anlamına gelebilir ve genellikle, yeme, içme ve dişleri fırçalama gibi günlük aktiviteleri etkiler. Sağlıklı dişlerde, dentin adı verilen gözenekli doku dişetleri ile ve dişlerin en üst tabakası olan sert diş minesi ile korunur. Ancak, diş eti çekilmesi, çatlak ya da kırık diş ya da erozyon nedeniyle dentin açığa çıkmış olabilir. Dentinde yer alan, tübül adı verilen mikroskobik delikler sinire bağlıdır ve belli yiyecek ve içecekler ile irite olduğunda ağrıyı tetikler. Diş hassasiyetinininbilinen en önemli iki nedeni diş minesi kaybı ve diş eti çekilmesidir.* Örneğin: Çok sert fırçalamak: Dişleri çok sert fırçalamak ya da sert kıllı fırça kullanmak zaman içinde dişetlerinde çekilmeye neden olabilir Asitli yiyecekler: Düzenli olarak asitli...
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13416 Tıklanma
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Diş Eti Hastalıkları

Diş etleri ağzımızın ve dişlerimizin altyapısını oluşturur. Nasıl ki sağlam bir bina yapabilmek için sağlam bir temele ihtiyaç varsa; dişlerimiz veya üzerine yapılacak protez, lamina gibi restorasyonların da sağlıklı olabilmesi için sağlıklı diş etlerine ihtiyaç vardır. Sağlıklı diş eti açık pembe renklidir ve dişleri sıkıca sarar. Diş etleriniz sağlıksızsa, dişleriniz çürük olmasa bile bir gün dişlerinizi kaybedebilirsiniz demektir. Tartar (diştaşı) nasıl oluşur? Gıda artıkları tükrükteki minerallerle birleşerek dişler ve dişetleri etrafında kireç tabakaları oluştururlar. Bu kireç tabakaları başlangıçta yumuşaktırlar. Ancak hızla sert tabakalara dönüşürler. Fırçalayarak bunları dişlerinizden uzaklaştıramazsınız. Ancak diş hekiminiz diş taşı temizliği için dizayn edilmiş uygun ultrasonik aletlerle dişlerinize zarar vermeden çıkartabilir. Diş taşı temizlenmek zorunda mıdır ve temizletmek dişlere zarar verir mi? Evet diş taşları temizlenmek zorundadır. Özelikle 6 ayda bir defa temizlenmesi önerilir. Temizlenmediği takdirde diş taşları dişeti iltihabına neden olur. Bu durumda diş kaybına kadar giden kötü sonuçlara neden olabilir. Diş taşı temizliği dişlere zarar vermez....
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14068 Tıklanma
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Apse ve Kist Operasyonları

 Çenelerde Görülen Kistler Çenelerde dişten kaynağını alan veya almayan çeşitli kistler görülmektedir. ÇENE kistleri bazen hasta tarafından fark edilmeden çok büyük boyutlara ulaşabilirler. Bu nedenle hastaların normal kontrollerinde panaromik diş radyografisi alınmasında büyük fayda vardır.   Çenelerdeki kistler çoğu kez diş kaynaklıdır. Diş kökü etrafında oluşabilen bu kistler tedavi edilmezlerse büyük boyutlara ulaşabilirler. Kök ucunda kisti olan hastalarda dişin çekilmesi tedavi için yeterli değildir. Diş çekilip kist kemik içinde bırakılırsa bu kist büyümeye devam ederek büyük hacimlere ulaşmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda ise çok sayıda dişin de çekiminin gerektiği bir durum ortaya çıkabilir. Bu nedenle kistik oluşumlar farkedildiği zaman mutlaka cerrahi olarak alınmalıdır.   Apikal Rezeksiyon Diş kökünde çeşitli nedenlerle meydana gelen apse veya kistik lezyonlar, kanal tedavisi uygulamasının yetersiz kaldığı durumlarda direkt olarak açılıp enfekte kök bölgesinin kesilip çıkartılmasıyla tedavi edilmeye çalışılır. Bu uygulamaya apikal rezeksiyon işlemi denir.Apikal rezeksiyon dişin çekiminden önce değerlendirilmesi gereken bir tedavi seçeneğidir.   Apikal Rezeksiyon Operasyonunun Yapıldığı...
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A sinus lift is done when there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, for dental implants to be placed. There are holes inside the left and right parts of the upper jaw bone. These holes are enlarged after tooth (or teeth) loss and prevents the implanting under the sinus lines. Because of this reason, these holes must be filled with bone graft. After 6 months this graft turns into the bone material and it is ready for implanting. Sinus lifting is suitable for the patients with insufficient bone volume in their back teeth in the upper jaw due to the expansion of the maxillary sinus. This operation takes 15 or 20 minutes with local anaesthesia. Implant(s) can be inserted if there is enough bone volume. This makes the operation 5 minutes more.
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Turkey is one of the most preferable countries for health tourism by native and foreign patients. Its historical and cultural base is another highly effective point with lower costs and higher technology. The reason of choosing Turkey for the health tourism is its exclusive technological standards, effective treatment and better medical surgeries. The patients from The UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Canada, Holland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, Russia, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, The US and Australia have visited Tanfer Clinic for their dental treatments.   STEPS OF TREATMENT   It is enough to have your panoramic x-ray received by e-mail or post. The clinic specialists will examine your x-ray and make a treatment plan. Make an appointment before arrive the clinic then start your treatment
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Fixed Prothesis

They are prosthetic devices such as dental crowns, bridgework, and dental implants that replace missing teeth inside the mouth. Fixed prostheses are not regularly removed, and are used instead of removable dental devices such as dentures and partials. The term can also refer to the associated field of restoration dentistry. Unlike removable prostheses, which can be removed and inserted by a patient, fixed prostheses can only be placed and removed by a dentist.  CROWN and BRIDGES What is dental crown? A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap"  to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength, and improve its appearance. The crowns, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. Permanent crowns can be made from all metal (such as gold or another alloy), porcelain-fused-to-metal, all resin, or all ceramic. What is dental bridge? Dental bridges combine...
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People should clean their teeth 3 times a day. Gaps between the teeth and below parts of the teeth must be brushed neatly. DENTURES MUST BE CLEANED DAILY: Movable dentures should be cleaned after each meal and washed under water. You should clean your mouth with water as well. Special effervescing tables should be used daily. Bleach must not be used while cleaning. This demolishes the surface of the denture and ruins the protein base. If you do not clean the dentures, it causes bad smell, fungus and demolishing on the gum.  WHAT IS MOVABLE FULL DENTURES? These types of dentures are for people who have no teeth. At first appointment the measures are taken and finished in 4 -5 sessions. It takes a week nearly. When you have a strange feeling, your dentist will prevent and make the necessary care. The dentures must be taken out before going to bed...
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These types of dentures are for people who have no teeth. At first appointment the measures are taken and finished in 4 -5 sessions. It takes a week nearly. When you have a strange feeling, your dentist will prevent and make the necessary care. The dentures must be taken out before going to bed and cleaned after the meals.
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The Effects of the Pregnancy on Oral & Dental Health

While the pregnancy, the acid level increases in split. This makes the teeth weaker and teeth have cavities. Candidate mother must keep their mouths clean neatly.  If they have problems with their gums these problems get worse. They may refrain of brushing their teeth when they have bleeding inside the mouth. This cause more bacteria, more redness and more bleeding on the gum. It is called gingivitis of pregnancy.  It starts in the 2nd month and reaches the top in the 8th month. “Every pregnancy makes a tooth lost”   is a rumour. The candidate mother must keep her mouth clean and brush her teeth regularly. They must use dental floss, too. Naturally, candidate mother should visit go to their dentists regularly, too.
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Aesthetic Smile

 THE SMILE DESIGN  A smile makeover takes into consideration your facial appearance, skin tone, hair colour, teeth (colour, width, length, shape and teeth display), gum tissue and lips to develop your smile. Smile makeovers are performed for many reasons and customized according to your unique considerations.   When do you need the smile design?   Front teeth (upper and lower) are big and asymmetric. There are gaps (diastema) between the front teeth and these gaps effect your talking. You are not fancy with your teeth colour. Your teeth irregular and crooked You think your old crowns, bridges and fillings don’t look good to you anymore. Your mouth is close while taking photos. You close your mouth with your hand while talking   It is the time to visit your dentist for the smile design.     Important points while the smile design:   Age, sex, lips, gum, tooth structure and colour,...
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Missing Tooth

Missing teeth could be congenital or some reasons can be caused such as traumatic, decays or infections.   The average adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have three or more decayed or missing teeth. If you miss one or more teeth, there are plenty of reasons to correct the problem. For one thing, a large space between your teeth may affect how you speak or eat. Even if it is not noticeable, a missing molar can affect how you chew. Remaining teeth may shift and in some cases, bone loss can occur around a missing tooth.   Here are some options to replace a lost tooth or teeth:   Bridges:Fixed to your adjacent teeth, can be depending on your mouth, your dentist’s recommendation and your needs.Dentures:  if you’ve lost all or most of your teeth. Implants:Most similar to a natural tooth.
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What is tartar? Even if you take great care of your teeth at home, you still have bacteria in your mouth. Saliva mix with proteins and food by products to form a sticky film called dental plaque. This gunk coats your teeth (even hard-to-clean areas like your back teeth), gets under your gum line, and sticks to fillings or other dental work.   What happens if I don’t make the tartar cleaned? Every time you eat, the bacteria create acids that can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities. The acids can also lead to inflamed or infected gums. But, if you remove plaque regularly, you can prevent permanent tooth decay.   Bigger problems arise if plaque stays on your teeth and hardens into tartar. It can form in a little over a day, and once it’s there, only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove it.   Although no decays,...
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Night Plaque (For Bruxism)

 Night Plaque (For Bruxism)  Mouth Guard Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress andanxiety, it often occurs duringsleepand is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing orcrooked teeth.  Because grinding often occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they grind their teeth. However, a dull, constantheadacheor sore jaw is a telltale symptom of bruxism. Many times people learn that they grind their teeth by their loved one who hears the grinding at night.   If you suspect you may be grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist. The dentist can examine your mouth and jaw for signs of bruxism, such as jaw tenderness and abnormalities in your teeth.    In some cases, chronic teeth grinding can result in a fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth. The chronic grinding may wear their teeth down to stumps. When these events happen,bridges,crowns,root canals,implants, partial dentures, and even completedenturesmay be needed....
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Broken Teeth

The most common is traumatic but deep decays or sudden changing the heat can cause cracks on the tooth enamel. Cracked teeth show a variety of symptoms, including erratic pain when chewing, possibly with release of biting pressure, or pain when your tooth is exposed to temperature extremes. In many cases, the pain may come and go, and your dentist may have difficulty locating which tooth is causing the discomfort. There are many different types of cracked teeth. The treatment and outcome for your tooth depends on the type, location and extent of the crack. When a piece of a tooth’s chewing surface breaks off, often around a filling, it’s called a fractured cusp. A fractured cusp rarely damages the pulp, and usually doesn’t cause much pain. Your dentist can place a crown over the damaged tooth to protect it.    
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A dental implant is anartificial toothroot that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants may be an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.   Why Dental Implants? Dental implants prevent jawbone loss. When it is extracted, there will be a space in place of the tooth. This emptiness will cause bone loss some time later. If there is an implant put in that space there will be no bone loss. It looks better aesthetically, too. There is no any other choice, except implant treatment to prevent the bone loss. Another advantage of the implants is there is no need to interfere the teeth beside.    You have natural seemed crowns on the implants and this makes you more confident.   Is there an age limit for implant treatment? Implants can...
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Tooth Sensivity

When you have sensitive teeth, certain activities, such as brushing, flossing, eating and drinking, can cause sharp, temporary pain in your teeth. Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other factors, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a recently placed filling or a side effect of other dental procedures, such as bleaching. The most important two factors are; To brush the teeth wildly with a hard tooth brush that may cause gingival problems. On the other hand, fizzy drinks cause a kind of erosion on tooth enamel. The less fizzy things you drink, the more healthy teeth you have.
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A cyst is a sac of tissue that has either fluid or soft material inside it. Some cysts can form next to or around teeth, which are called dental cysts. Cysts are a reaction of the body to a condition and are usually relatively slow growing. Dental cysts can form at the tip of the roots of dead teeth. They can also form around the crowns (and roots) of buried teeth. Most cysts form because the teeth they are associated with have died (infection or trauma). Others form because of a mistake in the way the teeth have developed (including being unable to grow into the mouth properly). Your dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon will explain to you more about the cause of your cyst. Cyst will continue to get bigger and bigger if it is not touched. This will cause more extractions. If it is recognised, it must be taken out.  Apical Resection:  Infection or...
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Partial Dentures

It is a kind of movable dentures for the people who have lost some parts of their teeth. These prosthesis are stacked by the help of hooks to the other teeth. Because of this reason, on upper and lower jaws they consist of a main part which holds the two parts from the sides. After measuring, the dentist practices 4-5 sessions and delivers in 2 weeks. Hygiene is very important for the natural teeth. Dentures must be removed and cleaned with water and brush after each meal. Dentures must be taken out before going to bed.
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