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Quick Fixes in Cosmetic Dentistry

Gum makeover is not an imperative need. Before some occasions, the need to be approved and the fear of rejection increases in some people. In this regard, while they were okay with the color of their teeth, or the spaces in-between until a particular day, they may need quick fixes to look better before their wedding, or an important ceremony. Everyone should be given an opportunity to change. At Dental Estetik Center, that is what we do, after demonstrating what may be done to give them the confident smile they deserve.

At first, we assess their needs. We ask them quick test questions to figure out what makes them unhappy about their teeth; is it:

- the shape of their teeth?

- the position of their teeth?

- how they appear when they smile?

- their gums?

In this context, the problem is determined through analyses. Our patient is determined whether an urgent treatment is appropriate for them and a trial smile, that is a smile design, is formed. The new smile is photographed to determine if the design suits their needs. After assessing their needs and planning a treatment, we initiate the treatment.


Leveling the gums To fix the red and infested look of gums, we initially clean their gums and level them with lasers. Irregular gums affect a smile, as much as teeth. Just like that of your teeth, gums have an important role for your smile. Their over-visibility, under-visibility or a lack thereof, create an unwanted appearance, causing teeth to look shorter. For example, when people smile, generally the gums of their semi-small molar teeth show; which is not a desired appearance.

These teeth are doomed to look shorter no matter what is done, unless their gums are leveled. To fix this irregularity, we may need to cut 1-1,5 mms off from gums. The gums around your teeth consist of two parts. Sticky Gums:

These gums are stuck onto your bones. Non-Sticky Gums: They are located at the neck of your teeth and they are not stuck onto your bone, like the flesh at the base of our nails. Gums are fixed at this part. This procedure is also known as a gum makeover. The Advantages of a Gum Makeover (Gingyvectomy) This procedure helps enhance the harmony between your gums and lips.

For instance, there are cases where just the gums are visible. In the cases where there is an irregularity between the gum levels of the second teeth, one of them will look short, while the other one will look longer. So, it is impossible to create a perfect harmony in between your teeth. To create a complete symmetry, you need gum lengths that match. DENTAL BLEACHING; Household, office type bleaching methods, laser bleaching All the above methods are used to give your teeth a whiter appearance. Stains from smoking give a rugged and an ugly appearance, especially for the grooms. For the brides, such stains are not even desired. This is why, to smile without constraints on your wedding photos, you need a cleaner appearance on your teeth.


* Spaced teeth,

* Slightly crooked teeth,

* Breakages at the tips of teeth,

* Teeth that are visibly blocked by lips,

* Teeth that are short, passive and invisible while smiling,

* Teeth that look rugged due to spaces between lower teeth may be restored without any milling from the dental tissue, via COMPOSITES.

This technique is called the COMPOSITE LAMINATE technique. DECAYS IN BETWEEN TEETH; They cause a darker and a dirtier appearance in between teeth, so they need to be filled and cleaned. Every patient may need to change at any time. This is why they should be offered an option to do so.

Reasons of Tooth Decay
Preparing Tooth-Friendly Lunches

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