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Night Plaque (For Bruxism)

 Night Plaque (For Bruxism)

 Mouth Guard

Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress andanxiety, it often occurs duringsleepand is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing orcrooked teeth.

 Because grinding often occurs during sleep, most people are unaware that they grind their teeth. However, a dull, constantheadacheor sore jaw is a telltale symptom of bruxism. Many times people learn that they grind their teeth by their loved one who hears the grinding at night.


If you suspect you may be grinding your teeth, talk to your dentist. The dentist can examine your mouth and jaw for signs of bruxism, such as jaw tenderness and abnormalities in your teeth.


 In some cases, chronic teeth grinding can result in a fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth. The chronic grinding may wear their teeth down to stumps. When these events happen,bridges,crowns,root canals,implants, partial dentures, and even completedenturesmay be needed.



Your dentist can fit you with amouth guardto protect your teeth from grinding during sleep.


If stress is causing you to grind your teeth, ask your doctor or dentist about options to reduce your stress. Attending stress counselling, starting an exercise program, seeing a physical therapist, or obtaining a prescription for muscle relaxants are among some of the options that may be offered.


Other tips to help you stop teeth grinding include:

  • Avoid or cut back on foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as colas, chocolate, and coffee.

  • Avoid alcohol. Grinding tends to intensify after alcohol consumption.

  • Do not chew on pencils or pens or anything that is not food. Avoid chewing gum as it allows your jaw muscles to get more used to clenching and makes you more likely to grind your teeth.

  • Train yourself not to clench or grind your teeth. If you notice that you clench or grind during the day, position the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This practice trains your jaw muscles to relax.

Broken Teeth

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