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What is conservative dentistry?

Conservative dentistry preserves the teeth in the mouth as much as possible. Dentists performing procedures to remove damaged or diseased tissue attempt to limit the amount of healthy tooth removed, and focus on procedures that will conserve the teeth when it is a viable option. If the patient’s tooth is too badly damaged to save, extractions may be considered.  Braces,teeth whitening, and regular cleanings can also be available through a dental practice that focuses on tooth conservation.


The Reason of Decays

In this approach to dental health, practitioners carefully evaluate dental problems to determine the extent of an issue and develop a plan of approach. Their goal is to maintain the integrity of the tooth in the mouth while successfully treating the problem and preventing a recurrence. During a procedure like a filling or amoreinvasive root canal, the dentist carefully removes infected, dead, and damaged material while leaving healthy material behind. A variety of approaches can be used in conservative dentistry to control the operating field and treat the tooth.


Once the dentist has cleaned the tooth thoroughly, filling can be added to preserve the integrity and prevent a recurrence by sealing the opening. Thistooth restorationprocess can take varying lengths of time, depending on the extent of the damage and the number of teeth involved. At the end, the patient retains the majority of the intact tooth. Follow ups can confirm that the tooth remains healthy and doesn’t have any additional problems, to make sure the procedure was successful.


Inlay – Onlay restorations:

They are very aesthetic and porcelain fillings. After taking the measurement, laboratory precession is essential.  It doesn’t finish in one session.

Missing Tooth

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